All it takes is a new perspective, An OrganizeD Perspective

Let’s change the perspective into your space.

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When you think of your home, what comes to your mind? If it’s anything other than functional, peaceful or beautiful, it might be time to make some adjustments. The stuff we own should be serving us because when it doesn’t, it drags us down and complicates our lives. With An Organized Perspective by your side, you can find the balance you desire.

You deserve
+ functionality

Why Hire a Pro Organizer

Ready for a Change?

Sometimes all you need is a new set of eyes on a space. That packed closet might seem too overwhelming or that space under the kitchen sink haunts you every time you grab a sponge. From the smallest projects to the big ones, like a garage, I’m here to help with new ideas and a game plan.

The Process

  • We’ll schedule a 30-minute virtual phone call to get eyes on the space and provide you with a more accurate quote.

  • Let’s get you on the calendar. This could be one 4-hour session or a few sessions. This all depends on how big the space is and how hands-on you can be in the process.

  • Depending on the project, we may assign tasks to prepare for your organizing session(s). For example, pre-sorting through keepsakes or important documents.

  • Let’s get to work! We’ll work four hours at a time. If we have scheduled multiple sessions, you may have “homework” to complete between the times we meet.

  • Take a breath and bask in an organized space!

What to expect…